
S c r o l l D o w n


Experience a sense of complete freedom, come into contact with nature, visit and see places that are inacessable to the tour.

Driving down the back roads through the beautiful and hidden landscapes of Mount Tara that few have reached will surely exceed all your expectations! In addition to sightseeing, villages, meadows located at 1,000-1,450 meters above sea level, remote parts of the mountain, in these terrains you will go to deep forests, glades, lakes, streams. Be prepared for an atypical tour that is not on the tourist prospectus!

You can opt for a half-day or all-day tour as well as a visit to the country house, a casual bath or a trip to the viewing area. You can go on this adventure with family or friends. Whatever option you choose, be prepared for an unforgettable experience after which you will want to get back in the jeep as soon as possible and take hidden paths.

G a l l e r y